Blocks, nuts and bolts

Blocks, nuts and bolts are typically used to build things, so we’ll use them to talk about building sales structures and sales teams. However, let us first look at the…
Blocks, nuts and bolts are typically used to build things, so we’ll use them to talk about building sales structures and sales teams. However, let us first look at the…
Amongst the great arsenal of ninja weapons, probably the best known is the throwing star (shuriken). It’s a hand-held blade designed to annoy or confuse an opponent, allowing the ninja…
Who were they? The Shadow Warriors. Everyone knows them. Everyone loves them. But why? Who exactly were they and what strategies did ninjas use to make them so fearsome? Firstly,…
We set out some of our worldview around Sales ninjaism here. This is important because we want to blend storytelling and parallel ideas which interest us, with information about what…