Salesforce Smartsizing

A sales structure situation which requires a ‘pruning’ of the salesforce before it grows again. This may be a response to strategy calls, market conditions or other forces.

Salesforce smartsizing is typically a last-straw approach, usually linked to survival and re-adjusting. This can give a company a chance to regroup, replan, test.

The suite of data which sales leadership and human resources create to make decisions is often incomplete in that there isn’t enough scientific, relevant data to support scenario planning for the future scenarios.

We can help by supporting internal data sources with additional insights to help strengthen the case for decision-making and success in smartsizing projects.

A sales structure situation which requires a ‘pruning’ of the salesforce before it grows again. This may be a response to strategy calls, market conditions or other forces.

Salesforce smartsizing is typically a last-straw approach, usually linked to survival and re-adjusting. This can give a company a chance to regroup, replan, test.

The suite of data which sales leadership and human resources create to make decisions is often incomplete in that there isn’t enough scientific, relevant data to support scenario planning for the future scenarios.

We can help by supporting internal data sources with additional insights to help strengthen the case for decision-making and success in smartsizing projects.

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